# So what does Paul Young the universalist believe according to his book, Lies We Believe about God?
Note: the chapters supplied below refer to chapters in my book, Lies Paul Young Believes about God
- Every human being is a child of God (chap. 5).
- God is a sexual being, equally male and female, with whom people have a relationship (chaps. 8, 11).
- The divine nature has been placed in all people (chap. 11).
- God does not have a plan for our lives (chap. 20).
- God is not in control of everything; he is an artist not a planner who often has to change his plan as he submits to our plans (chap. 20).
- God submits to human beings as much as they submit to him (chaps. 20, 21). God submits to “our anger, rage, and wrath” (chap. 21).
- The cross was evil; it was man’s idea, not God’s (chaps. 20, 22). If God originated the cross then he is a “cosmic abuser,” a “cruel and monstrous God.” “Better no god at all than this one” (chap. 22).
- Young asserts that if we evangelicals believe that Jesus endured eternal torment to pay for sins (when he did not, according to Young), then “Calvary was nothing but a farce, a burlesque, a travesty, and a sham. Jesus died a failure and in vain and never redeemed anyone. He is not even a good man, but a liar, and therefore a rogue and a deceiving rascal. Salvation is a mere myth” (from Young’s paper, “Universal Reconciliation,” given in 2004). We make God a “cosmic abuser” of children (chap. 24).
- Young accuses evangelicals of believing that God required the “ultimate child sacrifice” (chap. 24).
- Young declares unequivocally that he believes in “universal salvation” (chap. 25).
- “Saving faith is not our faith, but the faith of Jesus” (chap. 25).
- Every person was included in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus (chap. 25).
- The “good news” is to proclaim to everyone that everyone is already saved apart from faith (chap. 25).
- All the creation including all humanity was created “in God,” that is, “inside Jesus” (chap. 25), in Christ (chap. 6), and have the divine nature (chap. 11).
- Hell does not separate people from God; God is in hell (chap. 26).
- The God of evangelical belief is a “torture-devising” God (chap. 26) who perpetrated the torture of his child Jesus and is the originator of evil (chap. 19).
- People have a second chance to choose God after dying (chap. 27).(Yet, I note, giraffes and dogs have a greater chance of going to heaven than people have a chance of repenting in hell after they die (chap. 27)).
- Sin does not separate people from God (chap. 28).
- Sin is not missing God’s standard of perfection but is diminishing the truth of who a person is, that he or she is already in relationship with God (chap. 28).
Consequences of Young’s beliefs:
- Young “throws God under the bus” (chap. 19).
- Young’s beliefs allow for deified zebras and monkeys (chap. 19).
- Multitudes are given a false hope of escaping the judgment of God and hell and miss ever knowing the Lord Jesus Christ in a personal relationship of forgiveness, deliverance, and power.